Experts in B2B lead generation, we save you precious time by making sales calls, and setting your appointments for you.

With all of the business support services we offer, our focus is on helping your business to flourish.

Your Lead Machine is anything but mechanical. Our friendly approach is what separates us from other sales organisations who are focused on just the numbers – instead of the people behind those numbers.


Whether you need new business, want to grow your company, are looking to outsource sales activity or simply something else, telemarketing is the right direction for you to go in. With a large success rate in generating new leads, we can do the exact same thing for you.

Talk to us today to see if we can help you.

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Multi-Channel Lead Generation

Things change and so has lead generation.

Fortunately for you, we have evolved by bringing together multiple marketing channels to help deliver you fully qualified leads.

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Call Answering

Realising that you are struggling to answer an abundance of calls? Don’t waste your marketing spend if you don’t have the time answer all your calls. We take every call with ultimate professionalism, lifting the weight off your shoulders, giving you detailed information of every call, meaning you can return them in your own time.

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Registration No. 11408901